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IPv4/IPv6 calculator
Subnet masks table
Subnetting no. 1 – Divide a bigger subnet for minimum X smaller subnets

Adresacja IP – podział podsieci

  • Divide a bigger subnet for at least/minimum X smaller subnets

Example 1: -> find a minimum of 4 subnets.

Step 1. Replace decimal subnet’s mask with binary

27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21- 20
128 - 64 - 32 - 16 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 1

/16 -> -> 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000

1 – subnet’s bits

0 – host’s bits

Step 2. How many subnets do you need?

27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21- 20 (8 bits in total)
128 - 64 - 32 - 16 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 1 (no. of subents in this case)

So, for this case we need 3 bits (and that will create 4 subnets). We now add these 3 bits to our subnet’s mask.

Step 3. New subnet and incremential

16+3=19 -> new subnet's mask
/19 -> -> 11111111.11111111.11100000.00000000

Now, we look at the value of the last subnet bit (1). In this case it’s 32. We will be adding this value to every new subnet address.

11111111.11111111.1 1  (1) 00000.00000000
                  |  \  |
                 128 64 32

Step 4. Create new subnets

Subnet -> Broadcast address + 1

Broadcast address -> Subnet + 32 +

No. of hosts -> 2(32-subnet mask)-2 = x

Lp.SubnetBroadcast addressHosts
1172.16.0.0172.16.31.255172.16.0.1 –
2172.16.32.0172.16.63.255172.16.32.254 –
3172.16.64.0172.16.95.255172.16.64.1 –
4172.16.96.0172.16.127.255172.16.96.1 –
5172.16.128.0172.16.159.255172.16.128.1 –

No. of hosts -> 8190

Subnet’s mask -> /19

Subnetting no. 2 – Divide a bigger subnet for exactly X smaller subnets

Podział sieci na podsieci

  • Divide a bigger subnet for exactly X smaller subnets

Example 1: Divide for exactly 4 subnets

Step 1. How many bits we need to “borrow” from host’s part (0) of address ?

2n = x
n - no. of bits from host's part
x - number of subnets

We need 4 subnets, so 22 = 4. We need 2 bits.

Step 2. Add 2 bits to the subnet and replace it to binary.

/16 -> 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000
/18 -> 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000

Step 3. We look at the value of the last bit of the subnet part. This will be the value we add to the subnet IP address.


Step 4. Create new subnets

Lp.SubnetBroadcast addressHosts
1172.16.0.0172.16.63.255172.16.0.1 –
2172.16.64.0172.16.127.255172.16.64.1 –
3172.16.128.0172.16.191.255172.16.128.1 –
4172.16.192.0172.16.255.255172.16.192.1 –

No. of hosts -> 232-18 – 2 = 214 – 2 = 16 382

Subnetting no. 3 – Divide a bigger subnet for X smaller subnets with different masks (VLSM)

VLSM (Variable Lenght Subnet Mask) we use it when we want to divide a bigger subnet to smaller subnet but with different host numbers.

Example 1: -> 3 subnets (1st -> 100 hosts, 2nd & 3rd -> 50 hosts)

Step 1. Find out which subnet masks have this many hosts.

*232-25 – 2 = 27 – 2 = 126 –> 100 hosts = /25

*232-26 – 2 =26 – 2 = 62 –> 50 hosts = /26

Step 2. Replace decimal subnets to binary and look for last subnet bit. This is the value we will be adding to our subnets

/25 - 11111111.11111111.11111111.(1)0000000
/26 - 11111111.11111111.11111111.1(1)000000

Step 3. Create new subnets


Lp.SubnetBroadcast addressHosts
1192.168.1.0192.168.127.255192.168.1.1 –
/25; 126 hosts


Lp.SubnetBroadcast addressHosts
1192.168.1.128192.168.1.191192.168.1.129 –
2192.168.1.192192.168.1.255192.168.1.193 –
/26; 62 hosts


Subnetting no. 4 – Which of these addresses are host addresses?

Exercise 1: Which of the below addresses are host addresses in subnet with /29 mask?


Step 1. Create subnet by adding the value of the last bit from subnet part

/29 - 1111111.11111111.1111(1)000.00000000
Lp.SubnetBroadcast addressHosts – –
317.61.12.1617.61.12.2317.61.12.17 –
417.61.12.2417.61.12.3117.61.12.25 –
517.61.12.3217.61.12.3917.61.12.33 –
617.61.12.4017.61.12.4717.61.12.41 –
717.61.12.4817.61.12.5517.61.12.49 –






Subnetting no. 5 – Divide a subnet to have X smaller subnets with up to X hosts on each subnets

Question: You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 60 subnets with up to 600 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?

Step 1. Replace number of required subnets to binary

60 - 111100 (6 bits)

Step 2. Default mask for this subnet is /16. We borrow from host’s side (so “0”) 6 bits.

Step 3. New mask is /22 –

Step 4. We count the no. of hosts – 232 – 22 – 2 = 28 – 2 = 1022

Answer: 60 subnets with 1022 hosts

Subnetting no. 6 – How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network X?

Question: How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network

Step 1. No. of hosts -> 232 – 23 – 2 = 29 – 2 = 510

Step 2. No. of subnets:

1. Default class B address mask - /16
2. Convert 3rd (last) octet to binary
3. Count the number of bits - 255.255.1111110.0000000
                                      8 bits
4. 28 = 256 subnets

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Determine sector size in Windows


fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:

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Where is the C drive in the WSL?

The WSL has access to your PC’s file system through /mnt// directories (or mount points). For example, your C:\ and D:\ root directories in Windows would be available through /mnt/c/ and /mnt/d/ respectively in the WSL

Just cd into /mnt folder

MTR commands

MTR commands

Step 1. Installing mtr

$ sudo yum -y install mtr

Step 2. Using mtr

mtr -4b --> use only IPv4 addresses and do not resolve DNS names
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E: unable to locate package in Debian

How to Fix “E: unable to locate package” Error in Debian 9

The reason for this problem is most likely missing repositories (from which you can install common packages), included in the apt sources list file.

Step 1.

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Step 2.

Add to the file the following:
deb  stretch main
deb-src  stretch main

Step 3. Save the file and update the repositories

apt update 
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MegaCli Wikitech

How to install LSI MegaCLI 1#

How to install LSI MegaCLI

Step 1. Download the MegaCLI package (also available on my VPS)


Step 2. Install MegaCLI on your system

dpkg -i megacli_8.07.14-2%2BDebian.stretch.9.9_amd64.deb

Step 3. Update your repositories

apt-get update

Step 4. Done! Check info about your RAID controller

megacli -LDInfo -LAll -aAll
How to install LSI MegaCLI 2#

MegaCLI is a very usefull tool to control a LSI controller (megaRAID/Avago). It is not available in official Debian/Ubuntu repositories. We install it using deb package – we need to do a conversion from rpm format (CentOS, RedHat) in advance.

Step 1. Download zip file from Broadcom site:


Step 2. Unzip it:


Step 3. Package is in rpm format (CentOS/RedHat), so we need to convert it into deb format – for Debian/Ubuntu. For that we install alien app:

apt-get install -y alien

Step 4. Convert into deb format:

alien MegaCli-8.07.14-1.noarch.rpm

Step 5. Install MegaCli:

dpkg -i megacli_8.07.14-2_all.deb

By default, MegaCli is installed in /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64.
We can create symbolic link to e.g. /usr/bin.

ln -s /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 /usr/bin/MegaCli

Run the command MegaCli -h. If you encounter errors e.g. missing library you need to install libncurses5.

apt-get install libncurses5

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Install Smartmontools

apt-get install smartmontools

List all smart info for a specified disk

smartctl -a /dev/sdX

Start short/long test

smartctl -t short | long /dev/sdX

Check the results of the tests

smartctl -l selftest /dev/sdX

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